Prediabetes is where your blood sugar test (HbA1c) shows you are at risk of developing diabetes in the future.
If the blood test result is 41 or below, it is normal. If the result is 48 or above, it is likely diabetes. If your result is 42 to 47 it means you are in the grey area, between 'normal' and 'diabetes'. This area is called ‘at risk of diabetes’ or ‘prediabetes’.
Knowing you are at risk of becoming diabetic lets you choose to make changes to your lifestyle and reduce your risk of developing diabetes. For more information about why pre-diabetes is important, and how to help yourself, please go to the website website. Also, to help you make the changes to your lifestyle you can contact the excellent One You Walsall team:
Tel: 01922 444044 (Monday to Friday 9.00am to 6.00pm)

We may also be able to refer you to an education programme here in Walsall, to teach you everything you can do to prevent becoming diabetic in the future. If you are interested in this, please let the diabetes team know at your next review.
You will need an annual blood test to monitor how well you are managing your blood sugar levels.